Basilisk manages to deliver great action coupled with complex characters in a dark tale of love and hate. Recommendation: Can’t go wrong watching this. Add in the forbidden romance, and you have a great story to hear. I particularly liked what I refer to as ‘mountain monk’ music (I have no idea what it’s called) – flutes, chimes, ethereal vocals, etc.Ī tragic tale of two ninja clans willing to fight to the last warrior if it means wiping out the opposing clan. Both NS and Basilisk feature skilled ninjas, violent one-on-one combat, and fairly straightforward stories. In English, however, the heavy use of Japanese words doesn’t sound right. Outside of the forgettable title tracks, the music is nice. Basilisk and Ninja Scroll are both serious ninja anime that have plots with depth and a multitude of characters with unbelievable ninja skills. In Japanese, each character has the right voice, well executed. I would have liked more grit in the general art. Sequel of Gal-gaku.: Hijiri Girls Square Gakuin, but feat. II: Lucky Stars Find out more with MyAnimeList, the worlds most active online anime and manga community and database. Gore and violence worthy of the brutal premise. Looking for information on the anime Gal-gaku. Spite your enemy by cutting your own head off.Ī variety of character designs that fit their creative powers. The winning clan will receive the support of the shogun for the next thousand years and rule over the defeated. Each clan must select its ten best ninja to annihilate each other. However, the current shogun decides to use the clans to determine the successor from his two sons. In this time of tenuous peace, Gennosuke, grandson of the Kouga clan leader, and Oboro, granddaughter of the Iga clan leader, have fallen in love and their marriage is to create a binding peace between the clans. The other holds a list of those who fight for Iga. Two ninja clans have feuded for the last four-hundred years, only held at bay by a royal pact prohibiting conflict in the last few generations. The heirs to the Kouga and Iga ninja clans, Gennosuke and Oboro, hoped the unsteady truce between their tribes would lastbut fate denies the lovers, thrusting their people into war after centuries of peace.
#Anime basilisk girl movie
For grown up fans of Naruto and people who like ninja anime like Ninja Scroll movie from. This name generator will give you 10 random names for basilisks, but the names will work for similar monstrous reptiles as well, at least to some extent. Full-Frontal Assault: Justified by her powers: she can use her own blood in a fight, so she genuinely needs to remove at least part of her clothes. To ask other readers questions about Basilisk, please sign up.